About Me

Hey there, I’m Joshua Billing (he/him), and welcome to my website! I’m currently a third-year student at Victoria University of Wellington, where I’m pursuing my passion for Computer Science with a specialisation in Cyber Security.

My journey with programming began as a kid, with my first introduction to code at the age of 11 during a “Code Camp” organized by Code Avengers in 2015. Since then, I’ve been captivated by the world of programming, and a few years later, I even created my first Discord bot, enabling users to buy and sell virtual items using chat commands and currency earnt playing mini games. This project marked my first encounter with databases.

Fast forward to today, and my latest Discord bot, which is publicly available on GitHub, allows users to play songs from SoundCloud in Discord voice calls. It’s amazing to see how my skills have evolved since those early days!

My interest in Cyber Security started during high school, particularly in year 11, when I stumbled upon two fantastic YouTube channels: “Disrupt,” which presented intriguing short documentaries about famous viruses and hackers, and “NetworkChuck,” offering tutorials and advanced breakdowns of various IT concepts.

Building on this newfound interest, I furthered my knowledge by participating in an Ethical Hacking short-course conducted by Yoobee Colleges, where I was honoured with their Creative Excellence award. Combining the insights gained from the course with my own independent research, even though it wasn’t explicitly required in the assignment brief, I implemented robust protections against SQL injection in my Year 13 Computer Science project which was a website that allowed users to sign up and login.

I’m excited to share my experiences, projects, and insights related to Computer Science and Cyber Security here on my site. Feel free to explore, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or ideas to discuss!

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